Welcome to Real Estate Success Rocks Podcast where we help you answer the question: What does success mean to you? Our aim is to provide content, clarity and inspiration to help you reach your goals. Today's show is a quick hot fire episode with Jeffrey Cohn from Omaha, Nebraska. Last year his team of 37 (including support staff) sold 420 deals for a total of $72M volume.
In this episode, you'll learn...
- Jeffrey Cohn explains why not every agent should create a team
- Why Jeffrey's first hire was a transaction coordinator and how that benefits any future hires
- Culture, leads, accountability, processes, systems;
- How Jeffrey Cohn gets extraordinary results from ordinary agents through good systems and accountability
- How Jeffrey gets 100% of his marketing paid for by using marketing service agreements
- Jeffrey Cohn brings on new agents and builds a culture that retains good agents with extremely low turnover
- How Jeffrey's business model covers 100% of their transaction management and support staff cost through broker commissions
Links and resources mentioned in this episode.
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